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Gadu Rinpoche

Gadu Rinpoche

Gadu Rinpoche, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, is the main religious leader of BTBA and has led many people to practice Buddhism in Taiwan for more than ten years. Gadu Rinpoche will take his successful experience in Taiwan to the United States.

Beginning in late 1993, Gadu Rinpoche began learning the exoteric Buddhist sutras, which are the discourses given by Shakyamuni Buddha and his chief disciples. At that time he also began learning exoteric Buddhist meditation. After several years of study and cultivation, Gadu Rinpoche had his first contact with esoteric dharma in 1999, when he began learning the esoteric scriptures, precepts and disciplines, and various commentaries. Not only has Gadu Rinpoche completed the four preliminary practices, he also continually reflects upon and corrects his conduct in day-to-day life. Moreover, he has done many deeds in furtherance of Buddhism that have benefited living beings. Many years after his first contact with esoteric Buddhism, he had the karmic opportunity to receive certain Buddha-dharma initiations and to learn and practice certain rituals, making him a true practitioner of esoteric Buddhism.

Later, a group of holy virtuous ones within the International Buddhism Sangha Association whose responsibility it is to seek out and recognize Rinpoches approved and issued a recognition certificate recognizing Gadu Rinpoche as a true Rinpoche. Since then, Gadu Rinpoche has received even higher-level initiations and has learned and practiced even higher-level Buddha-dharma.

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